
In response to the Covid-19 crisis the need to reform the planning systems has been acknowledged at the National Planning Ministers' Forum. The Federal, State and Territories have come together to recognise that planning systems and the development approvals pipeline must continue in Australia...

An "unprecedented time" and "can we factory reset 2020?" are just some of the many comments floating around the internet in the wake of the pandemic. We are certainly all going through a challenging time right now. However, I am also finding that with our...

  For Town Planning in Victoria, we have zones and overlays to provide the details on planning controls for each property. These provide details on how the use and development of the land can be carried out. Every property (except Federal land such as airports) has a...

The Planning Scheme Amendment to implement the Casey Housing, 2019 has been approved (known as Amendment C198). The Planning Scheme Amendment has introduced a suite of new residential zones into the municipality. These new residential zones are intended to guide the preferred development...

A significant VCAT decision has been decided that relates to the interpretation of when a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) is required. The VCAT Case is 104-105 Station Street Pty Ltd v Kingston CC (Red Dot) [2019] VCAT 1546. The decision relates to a proposed three...

The second amendment of the Frankston Metropolitan Activity Centre (FMAC) was approved last month.  This follows a two year process, including a panel hearing to consider submissions back in February 2018. The amendment known as C124 focuses on rezoning Areas 1-5 of the Frankston Metropolitan Activity...

Kingston Council are starting to plan for a Structure Plan for the Chelsea Activity Centre. They have started the process with some public consultation during May/June. They are seeking to research what is important for locals to the Chelsea area. Over June...

Kingston City Council are currently undergoing a consultation process as part of developing the new housing and planning rules for the municipality. More details on the draft strategies and the drop in sessions can be found here. Following initial research and consultation, the Kingston Council...