town planning process Tag

Heard the stories about how long it can take to get a planning permit and wondering if there was a way to fast track it? While there is no way to fast track standard planning applications, if your project is relatively minor then it might qualify...

Did you know, certain types of apartment building developments will require assessment against a different set of design standards than Clause 55?This is important because if you are looking to develop this type of project you want to make sure your team understands and can...

Before you automatically book that pre-application meeting, ask yourself: Should You Have A Pre-Application Meeting With Council? Clients often come to us wanting to get pre-application advice from the Council before they lodge their application. My advice surprises many clients, as I will often recommend...

"How long will the planning permit process take?" This is one of the first questions people ask me, and one of the most difficult to answer. The short answer is quite a long time, and longer than many people realise! The reason why it is a difficult question...

A question I hear often is "What is town planning?" The way that I explain it is that town planning is where the Local Council looks at what you want to do and decides if it is the right use or development for the area. Town planning...

Don't be caught out by a covenant over your land title in Melbourne.  A planning permit can't be approved if it is contrary to a restrictive covenant on the title.  If there is a covenant it will need to varied or removed before the proposal...

I often get asked about planning scheme amendments, how the process works and what the implications are for current projects. The typical process for a significant planning scheme amendment is described below. While the process for Council driven amendments and private amendments (those facilitated by private...

There have been a number of changes to the Bushfire Management Overlay and Clause 52.47 (Planning For Bushfire), particularly in relation to applications in established urban areas.  Recently I had an application in Seaford (Frankston City Council) that allowed me to experience what the recent...