23 Jan Cultural Heritage Management Plans in Planning Applications

Are you considering submitting a planning application for a new development? It’s important to check if the site is within a Cultural Heritage Sensitivity Area, as in these areas some activities will trigger the requirement for a Cultural Heritage Management Plan. In this article, we’ll discuss when a Cultural Heritage Management Plan might be required and walk you through the process of incorporating them into your planning application.
Before diving into the specifics, let’s understand what exactly Cultural Heritage Management Plan is.
A Cultural Heritage Management Plan is essentially a document that details the assessment methods used to classify and research the site for any archaeological artifacts. It will document any artifacts discovered (if site sampling is deemed a necessary assessment requirement) and provide details on the process that should be undertaken if there are any unexpected Aboriginal Cultural Heritage discoveries made during the course of the construction activities.
When Is a Cultural Heritage Management Plan Required?
Typically, a CHMP can be required when a development proposal involves a site that is within a Cultural Heritage Sensitivity Area. This could include areas near heritage sites, Indigenous lands, or locations close to waterways. These areas are identified on the planning maps.
When is a Cultural Heritage Management Plan Not Required?
Not all activities within a Cultural Heritage Sensitivity Area will require a CHMP to be prepared. The activity needs to be a specified high impact activity (as detailed in the regulations) and there needs to be significant ground disturbance proposed as part of the development/activities. There are also a number of exemptions, such as the construction of 1-2 dwellings on a site. If the site is located within a Cultural Heritage Sensitivity Area it may be beneficial to discuss your plans with the council or with a cultural heritage consultant in order to confirm if you will need to prepare a CHMP. If a CHMP will be required for your site a cultural heritage consultant can also look at the register of found artifacts to advise if there have been any nearby discoveries and advise you if a complex assessment with site sampling will be likely.
What is the Timing for a Cultural Heritage Management Plan?
If a CHMP is required, it must be prepared and approved by the relevant state authority before the local council can consider a planning application. The process can take some time, so it is worthwhile starting as soon as possible to avoid delays as much as possible.
What is Involved With Preparing a Cultural Heritage Management Plan?
Depending on the site and surrounding features, different levels of assessment will be undertaken. The process will start with a desktop assessment, and depending on the findings of that assessment the cultural heritage consultant will then determine what further assessments will be required in order to thoroughly investigate the likelihood of artifacts being present.
For some sites the CHMP may require site investigations (samples), if the initial assessments indicate that there is likelihood of heritage artifacts being present on site. This may involve one or more days of site works (depending on the size of the area or areas that are identified as possible heritage sites. Depending on the size and complexity of the site it may take several months to prepare the CHMP for approval. Due to the potential for extended timelines it is recommended that this requirement be tackled early on.
If your site is within a Cultural Heritage Sensitivity Area then it is is important for you to do further research and investigation to determine if this will impact your planning application and whether you may need a Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the proposed activities before a planning application can be considered. You can also find more information on Cultural Heritage Management Plans here.
Need help navigating through the council Planning Process? Contact us today for initial advice.