
Don't be caught out by a covenant over your land title in Melbourne.  A planning permit can't be approved if it is contrary to a restrictive covenant on the title.  If there is a covenant it will need to varied or removed before the proposal...

Did you know that before you can get a liquor licence for your new bar or restaurant, first you will need a planning permit? This includes if you want to extend the hours or patrons on an existing liquor licence as well. Many Councils have local...

We know our clients sometimes feel like planners have invented another language!  To help you out we have written some definitions of some of the planning terms that you might encounter during your planning application process. NOD This stands for Notice of Decision.  It is formal notice...

The basis for existing use rights came about from common law. It is based on the principle that it would be unfair for the planning scheme to change and make someone’s use or livelihood suddenly be unlawful. Once an existing use right is...

The short answer is yes, you can apply for an extension of time to your planning permit. Every Council has a process for you to apply to extend your time on a planning permit, either to extend the time to commence or the time...

After a planning permit gets issued how long do you have to act on it?  Make sure you know, as if you forget to watch your time limit you could end up with an expired permit and have to go through the process all over again! There...

Several people have asked me about lodging an application with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) recently so I thought I would provide some information on it from the perspective of the planning applicant. Three common types of applications are: Review a Council RefusalReview conditions placed...

Not sure if a property you own or want to buy in Victoria has a covenant on it? Before you get stuck with something like that I'll cover how you can quickly check the title for that information. Firstly, this is an example of a land...