
Once you get your planning permit with endorsed plans, you need to develop in accordance with those plans. However, as we all know, despite the best of intentions things change sometimes. The plans you make sometimes have to change to fit in with...

"How long will the planning permit process take?" This is one of the first questions people ask me, and one of the most difficult to answer. The short answer is quite a long time, and longer than many people realise! The reason why it is a difficult question...

Within Melbourne suburbs the three most common residential zones that you are likely to encounter are: Neighbourhood Residential Zone, General Residential Zone, Residential Growth Zone. Each of these zones are similar in that their main priority is for residential uses to continue and be...

A question I hear often is "What is town planning?" The way that I explain it is that town planning is where the Local Council looks at what you want to do and decides if it is the right use or development for the area. Town planning...

Sometimes people come to us in a panic. They didn't realise that their project required a town planning permit until they were a fair way into their new venture. Suddenly Council contacted them or even initiated enforcement action. By this time, they...

Many people think they only need a Town Planner for difficult or controversial applications, but there are many benefits to using a Town Planner, like Change of Plan, for all your projects. Starting a new town planning project can be daunting, but we are here...

It seems that almost every time I tell people what I do for a living someone says that they wish they had heard of me/met me/knew about me before.  I’m a Town Planner and I help people get planning permission from the Local Council for...

Don't be caught out by a covenant over your land title in Melbourne.  A planning permit can't be approved if it is contrary to a restrictive covenant on the title.  If there is a covenant it will need to varied or removed before the proposal...