Planning Controls

We often get people contacting us for advice as to whether their project needs a planning permit, so I thought I would cover a few of the common projects over the next few months to answer this question.  You can contact us or your local...

Did you know, certain types of apartment building developments will require assessment against a different set of design standards than Clause 55?This is important because if you are looking to develop this type of project you want to make sure your team understands and can...

Is your property adjacent to a Transport Zone? Not sure what that means?  Read on for information on how it might affect you. When looking at a Planning Certificate or Zoning Map of your property, you might see that the land is adjacent to a different...

Town planning research is important to get your town planning project off the ground. To assist people on the start of their development journey I thought it would be useful for me to tell you about some of the tools and tips that I use...

In Victoria, if you are constructing or extending one or more dwellings there is a requirement to set aside a portion of the land for the Garden Area. The Garden Area amount varies depending on the size of the lot and only applies for...