
Town planning research is important to get your town planning project off the ground. To assist people on the start of their development journey I thought it would be useful for me to tell you about some of the tools and tips that I use...

In Victoria, if you are constructing or extending one or more dwellings there is a requirement to set aside a portion of the land for the Garden Area. The Garden Area amount varies depending on the size of the lot and only applies for...

The Proposal The project was for two townhouses on a residential site in Whitehorse Council.  The design was for a single storey house to be built at the front and for the rear house to be double storey.  While this arrangement is uncommon, it was something...

*** An update on the planning scheme amendment process. August 2023, Kingston Council have submitted the Amendment to the Minister for authorisation. *** Kingston Council are currently exhibiting an amendment to the Planning Scheme to make changes to the housing zones and...

Once you get your planning permit with endorsed plans, you need to develop in accordance with those plans. However, as we all know, despite the best of intentions things change sometimes. The plans you make sometimes have to change to fit in with...

"How long will the planning permit process take?" This is one of the first questions people ask me, and one of the most difficult to answer. The short answer is quite a long time, and longer than many people realise! The reason why it is a difficult question...