06 Feb Bayside Council Planning News

As I read planning news and collect information for my clients I will update this page with planning projects and amendments that I think are of interest or relevance. This page will be updated from time to time as new news comes up.
ESD Policy
A new policy has been approved for the Bayside Planning Scheme. On the 17th November 2023 an Environmentally Sustainable Development Policy was included in the planning scheme. This Policy applies to all land in Bayside Council. If you are proposing a development that meets the specific criteria, such as:
- Residential development of two or more houses on a lot (excluding subdivision)
- Buildings used for accommodation of a certain size
- Commercial and industrial developments that are 100 square metres or more in floor area
a Sustainable Design Assessment will now be required as part of the planning application documentation.
Urban Forestry Strategy
Bayside Council have recently exhibited an amendment to introduce the Urban Forest Strategy and its objectives into the Planning Scheme. The purpose of the amendment is to strengthen the environmental focus and Council’s biodiversity protection.
Following the completion of the exhibition, a Planning Panel has been convened to discuss the submissions received. The Planning Panel has been scheduled for February 2024.