30 Jul Proposed Amendment For Dromana Township

Mornington Peninsual Shire have put an amendment on exhibition. The amendment seeks to introduce a new Design and Development Overlay control to the Commercial 1 Zone land within the Dromana Township. The area covered by the proposed amendment is shaded below:

The Design and Development Overlay (DDO) will introduce both mandatory and discretionary requirements. The DDO introduces height limits, including a mandatory overall height limit of 3 storeys and 11m. The Overlay will also provide built form and setback objectives for new development.

The planning control is looking to implement the built form controls that were discussed in the Dromana Township Plan Report 2018, with no obvious deviation from the controls that were recommended in that report. You can read that background report here.
Considerable analysis was done to consider what building heights would be appropriate in the commercial area, particularly given the distant Arthurs Seat views and the coastal aspects of the township. Overall, the proposed planning scheme amendment provides for an appropriate level of development given the features of the area and will allow for future development/consolidation of the commercial area while maintaining the coastal and township feel. The planning controls will provide greater certainty to guide future planning applications.
You can see more information on the proposed planning scheme amendment here. Submissions are open until the 24th August 2020.