Imitation in Business

Imitation in Business

I went to a networking event recently and one of the topics that was discussed was around imitation in a business sense, whether it is of a new idea or product that we have created.

There are many ways that the development industry can be impacted on by imitation. There are cases where it is a breach that should be dealt with legally, however there may be also times where this isn’t an option. What I believe is important is not only how we respond at those times, but how it affects our ability to trust and work openly. It can be easy to decide that the answer is to remove collaboration and retreat in. What you need to decide is whether the cost of doing that is greater than the potential cost of lost opportunities.

Having considered the various points of view discussed at the networking event I think the cost of lost opportunities is too great for me, both from a business and personal perspective. I will continue to work collaboratively with people, though will spend time developing that trusting relationship first.