Draft Structure Plan for Cranbourne Town Centre

Draft Structure Plan for Cranbourne Town Centre

City of Casey have released a draft Structure Plan for the Cranbourne Town Centre for public feedback.

The draft document has been created from initial research and public consultation and will be further refined following synthesis of all submissions received.

The Structure Plan has been driven from the expected significant growth of the Cranbourne Town Centre over the next 20 years.  With the extensive residential growth around it, the Cranbourne Town Centre will become a regionally significant employment and services hub and the Structure Plan is needed to inform and plan for this growth.

The purpose of the Structure Plan is expressed with 5 overarching principles:

  • Culture and Heritage
  • Accessibility
  • Open Space
  • Services
  • Built Environment

Objectives and strategies for each of these areas are then covered in more detail.

Flowing from that is the Strategic Framework Plan which plans out the primary uses across the area and includes provision for the future rail extension and train station.  Areas of residential intensification, employment, open space and community/education are included in the Framework Plan.

The area has been divided into 4 precincts to guide future use and development:

  • Mixed-use Commercial Core (Precinct 1)
  • Employment and Services (Precinct 2)
  • Residential Intensification (Precinct 3)
  • Casey Complex (Precinct 4)

Each precinct is provided with objectives and guidelines to inform future development.  The guidelines include a range of things including improving pedestrian amenity and street activation, preferred height limits and setbacks and preferred locations for parking.  The guidelines will require redevelopments of over 1000sqm of the Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre to include community benefits such as streetscape improvements and improvements to Greg Clydesdale Square.  In the residential intensification area townhouses and apartments will be encouraged and site consolidation will be sought.  Medical and childcare centres are not preferred in this precinct however they may be considered where there are minimal off-site amenity impacts.

More details on the Structure Plan can be found here.  Public submissions can be made until the 23 April.