Affordable covenant advice – at your fingertips

Do you have a covenant on your property and need to know your next steps? Change of Plan can give you the answers – within just two business days. With our fast and affordable online covenant advice service, you’ll be one step closer to realising your property goals.

Preliminary advice – for just $309!

If you need fast, reliable covenant advice, you’ve come to the right place. Simply tell us more information about your property, and we’ll get back to you in just two business days. Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Preliminary written advice about the covenant on your property
  • An outline of who your beneficiaries are
  • Your covenant options and potential next steps (e.g. feasibility of removing or modifying the covenant)

Who is this service for?

Melbourne Landowners

If your land has a covenant, we’ll give you advice on your building options and the feasibility of removing or varying it.

Land purchasers

If you’re considering a property with a covenant, we can advise you and help you learn more before you buy.

Designers & builders

If you’re seeking information on a covenant that may impact a development project, we’re here to help.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Covenant in the Context of Melbourne Town Planning?

A covenant is a private agreement placed on the property title that limits the way the land can be used or developed.

How Can I Find Out if My Property is Subject to a Covenant?

Your title will confirm if the property has a covenant. We have written an article on how to check for a covenant on your title which provides more details on how to confirm if you have a covenant.

How Do Covenants Affect My Planning Application?

Covenants will stop a planning permit being approved if what you want to do is limited by the covenant.

Can a Covenant Be Overridden by Town Planning controls in Melbourne?

No. A covenant will need to be varied or removed and isn’t overridden by town planning controls.

Are you a little further down the line?

As this is a preliminary advice service, it’s not ideal if you’re ready to start the application process or remove or vary your covenant now.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t help you. Learn more about how we can add huge value to your permit application.